Are the following statements about crypto fact or fiction? To test your knowledge, mark True or False and see how well you score More
Operators across the nation have closed their pools by now, and for many, autumn could not come soon enough, following several mid- and late-summer crypto outbreaks. More
Cryptosporidium outbreaks at the height of swim season have sickened bathers and closed many Southwestern pools and sprayparks. More
Cryptosporidium, or crypto as it is often called, has become the leading cause of recreational water illnesses in the United States, according to surveillance reports published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. More
Hoping to address the growing threat of cryptosporidium, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released revised guidelines for diarrheal fecal accident response. More
Last year saw some of the worst recreational water illness outbreaks on record. More
Following an unprecedented outbreak of cryptosporidium around Salt Lake City, Utah health officials took the extraordinary measure of banning children under age 5 from public pools, including gyms and apartment buildings. More
With recent outbreaks of cryptosporidium across the nation this past year, many... More
A recent rash of cryptosporidium outbreaks have hit swimming pools across the country, even one equipped with ultraviolet systems More