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AquaStar Pool Products, Inc.

Locations & Contacts

  • 2340 Palma Dr., #104
    Ventura, CA 93003
    (877) 768-2717
    (877) 276-7665
    Olaf Mjelde, Pres.
    Todd Pieri, V.P. Sls.

Manufacturer Brands

  • Aqua Stop®

  • Aqua Thunder®

  • Chem Star®

  • Fillable Friends®

  • Fillstar™

  • FlowStar®

  • Full Circle®

  • Moflow®

  • Pro Star®

  • Starztruck®

  • Ultimate Ozone®

At AquaStar, every product is held to the highest standard of quality, resulting in superior, dependable products that last; products that endure despite their continual exposure to harsh pool chemicals and intense ultraviolet light.

AquaStar is able to get products from concept to consumer faster because of proven manufacturing methods and their disciplined approach to research and development at their Southern California facilities. AquaStar provides superior solutions in the most expeditious and efficient manner possible.

Each AquaStar pool product is designed and manufactured solely in the USA, ensuring that only the highest quality merchandise reaches the consumer. AquaStar is dedicated to providing their customers with dependable, long-lasting, American-made products. The entire line of AquaStar pool products is designed to provide the very best look, feel and performance.

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