Pentair, the world's leading manufacturer of swimming pool equipment and accessories, has strengthened the commercial pool market with an outstanding group of products. With pumps, filters, heaters, controllers, sanitizers and lighting-and as an industry leader in deck equipment, Pentair Commercial Aquatics is your one-stop aquatic equipment manufacturer.
Pentair Commercial Aquatics has the innovation and stability you can trust. Our pool products are recognized for efficiency, dependability and environmental responsibility. Pentair has brought together the highest quality aquatic product lines available with energy-efficient performance, ease of operation and outstanding reliability. All products are backed by cutting-edge technology and one of the largest research and development teams in the industry.
Featured Products
New BioShield™ CVP Vertical UV Disinfection Sterilizer
New vertical installation reduces horizontal space in the pump room. Single-end UV lamp with top-loading quartz sleeve makes servicing easy. Improves water & air quality.
Reduce operation costs with Acu Drive™ XS Variable Frequency Drive
Save up to 60% on pump's electricity usage by installing the Acu Drive™ XS on pumps! 98% efficient—adjusts input voltage for best results.
Pentair offers NEW EZ Reel™ Lane Line Storage
This innovative lane line storage unit prevents tangles and clumping. Uses traversing guide block that slides side-to-side, keeping lane lines properly aligned while reeling.
EQ 3-phase pool pumps with TEFC Motors resist corrosion
EQ Series Pumps with new TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled) motor resist corrosion. Prevents ambient air into the motor and corrosion from the inside out.
Pentair offers new portable AquaTRAM® 90 Lift
Anchors directly into deck with the popular Quickset Dual Wedge™ Anchor socket –removable without tools. Self operable. Battery powered. Minimal footprint. ADA Compliant.
Improved Modular STARK™ Sand Filtration Systems
Versatile, modular design that allow for influent and effluent placement to meet any design requirement. Multiple configurations. Occupy one-fourth space of other filters. NSF 50.

New Railings from Pentair Commercial
Pentair Commercial has released new stainless steel railings under its PARAGON line.

Pentair Commercial Products Makes New EQ Series TEFC Motor
The EQ Series TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled) motor is designed to resist corrosion because it doesn't allow ambient air to enter the motor.

Pentair Commercial Aquatics
Pentair Commercial’s new AmerBrite LED lamp allows users to switch out old Amerlite incandescent bulbs for new, energy-efficient LED lights without the hassle and cost of replacing the existing Amerlite light fixture.