Your pool should be about enjoying life. Not risking it. We set out to build a system that helps keep it that way.
The WAVE Drowning Detection System is now used at commercial facilities and at private homes across the country.
WAVE actively monitors swimmers, non-swimmers and lifeguards in real-time. The system immediately alerts when anyone may be at risk or when a lifeguard has to enter the pool.
The system is extremely reliable, simple to use, and completely portable.
Your swimmers can wear WAVE Trackers, headset-like wearables that are lightweight and comfortable, or they can attach WAVE Goggle Clips to their goggles if they prefer swimming with those.
For your non-swimmers, small BuddyTags are attached securely to their clothing or bathing suit.
Lifeguards typically choose to wear an ankle band. Most users forget that they even have a wearable on after only a few minutes.
We built the WAVE System on the belief that the most important accessory for any pool is the one that makes it the safest.
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