If you plan to go to the 2015 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo in Las Vegas Nov. 10-12, register today and get a discount. Don't miss out on your chance to see new products, discover new suppliers, make key contacts, and get your industry questions answered, and save some money while doing so.

Act now to receive a free Expo pass or discounts on your passes. Early Registration Ends September 22.

If you register by September 22, receive 20 percent off a Super Pass. APSP members pay $180 and non-members pay $228. Savings of 20 percent also are available for day passes. APSP members pay just $112, and non-members pay $132.

To get your early registration discounts, click here.

There are a few stipulations to the early registration discounts, however. The discount applies to new registrations only. No refunds will be issued for pre-existing registrations. And discounts not applicable to MA or NEM registrations.