LaMotte Company of Chestertown, Maryland has been a committed leader in manufacturing water analysis equipment since 1919. Over the years LaMotte has been providing the broadest line of reliable professional water analysis labs and portable test kits in the pool and spa industry. LaMotte’s chemists, engineers, and technicians continue to optimize a wide variety of processes to achieve maximum quality and efficiency. We offer a wide range of test methods and tools for the analyst. From multi-factor test strips, foil-packaged unit dose tablets, spin reagent disk and liquid reagents to sonic-welded color comparators, multi-parameter test kits, and electronic water analysis instruments. LaMotte controls the manufacturing of all aspects to ensure the highest quality. We believe strongly in having a team of technical experts available by phone and email for customer support. The Research and Development team works to constantly improve and create new test methods. All of these varied capabilities enable LaMotte to excel at helping people solve their analytical challenges.
Featured Products
WaterLink® Spin Touch
The innovative WaterLink® Spin Touch™ (Code 3580) in-store lab can measure precisely 10 test factors in just 60 seconds using just one spin disk.
Mobile WaterLink® Spin Touch™
The rugged Mobile WaterLink® Spin Touch™ (Code 3581) designed for service professionals and pool operators makes testing water, so easy without guessing at colors.
DataMate® Web
DataMate® Web a cloud-based pool & spa water analysis program that can be used in a retail store or on-site through a smartphone or tablet.
Insta-TEST® POOL 4
Insta-TEST® POOL 4 strip (Code 3032-BC-12) measures the basic test factors such as Free Chlorine, Alkalinity, pH & Cyanuric Acid in just an instant.
Insta-TEST® 6
Insta-TEST 6 strip (Code 3028-BC-12) measures Free Chlorine, Bromine, Total Chlorine, Alkalinity, pH, Hardness and Cyanuric Acid all on this one ultimate strip.
Insta-TEST® PRO Phosphate
Insta-TEST® PRO Phosphate strip (Code 3021-H-6) designed for pool professionals to measure Phosphate levels from 0 to 2500 ppb in just 15 seconds.

Insta-LINK Service PRO Smartphone Program Kit from LaMotte Co.
LaMotte Co.’s Insta-LINK Service PRO Smartphone Program Kit (Code #2978-IL) is a water analysis and reporting program that allows service professionals to enter pool and spa testing results into a smartphone and use it to analyze free chlorine, bromine, total chlorine, pH, alkalinity, total hardness, cyanuric acid and salt, and receive precise treatment recommendations.

Mobile WaterLink Spin Lab from LaMotte Company Tests Water Chemistry
Test water chemistry and read it on a smartphone using the Mobile WaterLink Spin Lab from LaMotte Company.

LaMotte Co.
In just 60 seconds, LaMotte Co.’s Mobile WaterLink Spin photometer measures free chlorine, total chlorine, bromine, pH, calcium harness, alkalinity, cyanuric acid, copper, iron and borate.