In late September, Len Phoenix competed in Dominion Jersy Masters Meet 2015 in the 65-69 agae category. He won 12 out of a possible 14 medals during meet.
Of his 12 medals, nine were gold and the other three were silver.
The meet was a big step for Phoenix who stated,
It’s the biggest amount of competition swimming I have done in one go, by quite a large amount. I covered 6,800 metres swimming. It was a tremendous meet, very enjoyable. I have never, ever, in my 27 years [of competing] swum as many metres as that over one weekend competition.
Phoenix's wins put him just 28 medals shy of his stated goal of winning 1000 medals. He hopes to reach his goal by the Spring of 2016.
Phoenix's success is quite surprising considering that he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart beat, just three years ago.