Aquatic therapy icon Andrea Salzman has launched a web platform meant to bring together aquatics professionals from around the world to connect and collaborate.
In its first month, The AQUATIX Hub gained 300 joiners from approximately 20 countries. Members can find others who are close to them geographically or by specialty. They can post questions to each other, share articles and videos or become even more interactive by collaborating on documents, posting challenges to each other, or attending video conferences through the platform. Members also can form groups.
Salzman said she’s been looking for a way to do this for more than 20 years and found the right software.

“The world of aquatics needs a hub, a central clearinghouse of information,” Salzman said. “This is a 3d network, which allows everyone who joins to participate. … It’s meant to run on its own once it’s wound up.”
To qualify, members must work in aquatics or a related field, actively participate in the site and agree to invite at least three colleagues. Membership is free for the time being, however Salzman expects to institute a small fee to assist with site management.
Salzman has more than 25 years' experience in the aquatic therapy field, and has participated in or formed The Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy, The Aquatic Resources Network (ARN), The Aquatic Therapist Blog, and Aquatic Therapy University (ATU). Salzman’s Aquaticnet Ning Social Network has been incorporated into AQUATIX Hub.
To request an invitation, go to