If a picture typically is worth 1,000 words, this one might just be worth a million.
It's not every day we see a giraffe drinking from a swimming pool. But a couple vacationing in South Africa captured the rare event on film when this wild giraffe began drinking from their room's private, elevated swimming pool.
“When I looked out the window, my brain tried to makes sense of what I was seeing but it didn't quite compute initially," said Kali Sakai, according to The Telegraph. "It just didn't seem real or even possible.”
Check out the video. Then, in the comments section below, write a clever caption of the screen shot from the footage, and we'll feature the best one in an upcoming edition of Aquatics International.
Come across a ridiculous pool- or spa-related photo in your travels? Send us your picture for a chance to have it included in a future Caption This! contest. Email your photo to [email protected].