Experts are now seeking input from operators on three key pieces of the Model Aquatic Health Code.
The Contamination Burden Module is open for public comment through Oct. 14, along with the Facility Design & Construction Module.
Additionally, the public comment period for the Lifeguarding and Bather Supervision Module has been extended until Oct. 14, to accommodate requests for additional time after the end of the busy swim season.
The final two modules, Monitoring and Testing and Filtration and Recirculation are expected to be ready soon.
“The Goal to have everything out by end of the year,” said Doug Sackett, assistant director of the New York State Health Department and director of the MAHC.
The MAHC is an effort to create more uniform pool operation guidelines and all industry professionals have the chance to weigh in on the modules’ recommendations. The effort is spearheaded by the CDC and supported by initial grant funding from the National Swimming Pool Foundation. Approximately 160 individuals serve on 12 technical committees drafting code for various aspects of operation.
“Hopefully we’re getting [operator] feedback,” said Sackett. “Who better than the front line person … the operators know what works and what doesn’t. They’re there, day in and day out, with knowledge of these facilities. They’re the best in speaking out on a lot of these issues.”