FINA has announced the approval of a new program directly aimed at supporting its National Federations, the FINA Olympic Aquatics Support Programme. According to a FINA press release, the purpose of the program is to enable its member federations to develop, strengthen and fine tune their activities in the pursuit of improving the professionalism of their operations and the athletes’ sport level.
The budget for this project is in addition to the existing amount already available through the FINA Development Programme and will be given on an equal share basis up to $25,000 a year.
National Federations that take part in the FINA World Championships, FINA World Swimming Championships (25m) or FINA World Junior Championships are eligible. Projects that will be considered include the construction, refurbishment or maintenance of facilities; the purchase or hire of sports material equipment; administration fees; technology resources; technical support; athlete, coach and official training; staging and participation at national and continental competitions; and talent-identification programs.