A seven-year-old boy who was left in critical condition after falling into the water of an abandoned pool May 25 has died.

This is the latest in a series of events to unfold since the tragic incident last month in St. Paul, Minn.

Sher Kpor and his brother climbed a locked gate that surrounded the pool at an apartment complex and fell into the basin that contained dirty runoff water from recent rains. The two were rescued by fire fighters and brought to Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, where Sher Kpor remained on life support until his death June 18, according to the Star Tribune.

Three days earlier, city officials declared the pool a public niusance and ordered the property owner to take action, including cleaning out the debris and repairing the gate. But Samir Abumayyaleh demolished the pool instead and currently is constructing a playground on the site.

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