It's official. Schlitterbahn Waterparks & Resorts' Verrückt is the world's tallest water slide.

Thanks to leaks of photos and video footage, the new attraction has been making headlines for months and finally will make its public debut May 23. But during a ceremony April 25, the slide was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Measuring 168 feet, 7 inches high, Verrückt dethroned the Kilimanjaro slide in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by just 4 feet, 10 inches. 

The process to determine the exact height of the slide is a precise one involving lasers and special surveying tools, according to reports. Third-party witnesses also were on hand to verify the measuring process.

The true testament, however, will come from patrons who answer the question #RUInsane and take the plunge in the four-person raft down the extreme attraction.

The construction process will be featured in Travel Channel’s one-hour season premiere of “Xtreme Waterparks,” which airs on Sunday, June 29. 

Until then, however, here's a look at some construction images that take us from the beginning of the dig to the final measuring ceremony. Additional photos and videos also are available at and