Waterpark Resorts Today is growing in 2010 with a new look and expanded focus that includes not just indoor waterpark hotels, but also all waterparks big and small.

Just as Aquatics International brings you all things aquatics (including waterparks), the new coverage will bring you all things waterparks (including resorts). To reflect this expanded focus, we've changed the name slightly to Waterparks + Resorts Today.

The waterpark resort market is still young and vibrant, and it has much to learn from the more established waterpark market. Together the two markets are stronger, and so too, will the articles, columns and information we bring you four times a year in Waterparks + Resorts Today.

As both markets continue to grow, we are committed to growing with them and providing crucial information for the management, design and development of waterparks and resorts.

As part of this growth, we’ve added new columns to our quarterly publication. In Park Planner, you’ll find relevant tips to enhance your operation this season. What Works features expert advice on some of the industry’s peskiest problems. What do you think of the changes? Take a look and then share your opinion on AI Connect or send me an e-mail!