World's Largest Swimming Lesson 2014
World's Largest Swimming Lesson 2014

It’s that time again, when aquatics facilities, pools and waterparks wanting to participate in the World’s Largest Swimming Lesson must register. The deadline is June 5. Also, there’s a new twist for 2015: Host locations will teach their swim lessons at 10 a.m. in their local markets as the lesson travels around the planet over the course of 24 hours. Previously, lessons were held simultaneously at 3 p.m. (GMT).

This will be Team WLSL’s sixth Guinness World Record attempt for the largest swimming lesson ever conducted, with the goal of spreading the vital message “Swimming Lessons Save Lives.”

Registration fee is $59;  registered host locations will receive banners, fliers, posters, press releases and more, including the official 2015 WLSL Curriculum, which must be taught at all locations for WLSL to qualify for the world record. To register, visit the WLSL website.