
Concerts aren’t cheap, so to hear one for free – at the hotel where you happen to be staying, no less – now that’s a treat. And so it was for guests at a lodging in Ames, Iowa this spring. Members of the Stillwater Area High School Concert Choir from Stillwater, Minn., were enjoying a pool party when they realized the room had ideal acoustics. Being songsters, they spontaneously burst into a rousing rendition of F. Melius Christiansen’s “O Day Full of Grace.”

Soon hotel guests came out on the balcony  to see what was going on, and wound up staying for the free concert by the young, swimsuit-clad singers.

When Aaron Drevlow, a trip chaperon and the school’s assistant principal, heard singing coming from the hotel pool, he grabbed his iPhone and headed in that direction. The subsequent video he recorded went viral, and Youtube views were up to 2,060,918 as of 6/3/2015. Read More