The National Swimming Pool Foundation and Counsilman-Hunsaker have collaborated to develop a web-based app to aid in managing facilities.
Called Facility Manager, the app is based on the Model Aquatic Health Code and the NSPF Pool & Spa Operator Handbook to help operators maintain compliance with codes. It also combines NSPF’s educational expertise, spanning 50 years, with Counsilman-Hunsaker’s 45 years of experience in facility design and renovation.
The app is customizable and performs functions such as ensuring reports are completed correctly, generating alerts regarding time-sensitive issues, maintaining checklists and performing calculations, to ensure safety and compliance, as well as reduce the use of paper.
"When NSPF helps provide a tool that facilities can use to have safer and more efficient pools and spas, the aquatics industry benefits, and so do the patrons that visit those facilities,” said NSPF Mission Development Director Michelle Kavanaugh.