Lifeguards at Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center in Chandler, Ariz., proved their squad is a well-oiled machine, beating June and July’s challenges with time to spare and ultimately being crowned overall 2016 AI Summer Lifeguard Challenge winner.

Mesquite is the first organization to win two challenges at the same location after going against teams from all across the country.

What’s even more impressive? A different group of guards appears in each video.

The team worked hard to clinch victory, overhauling its entire training strategy. Beth Grasser, head pool manager, said she was inspired by a training seminar by Pete DeQuincy, judge for the Lifeguard Challenge. “It was very different from how we trained in the past. At first it was a bit difficult,” she said. But the staff soon took to it and became fully engaged in drills and friendly competition.

To keep the 78-person team on its toes, management encouraged the lifeguard staff to compete in the drills during rotation.

“They excelled at most of the challenges,” DeQuincy said. “You felt there was a sense of teamwork and coordination. It was very impressive overall, their consistency.”

The squad benefitted from participating, Grasser said. The outside challenge helped motivate in a new way: “Even if you don’t win, the participation and getting outside your comfort zone is amazing for your staff.”